- A beginner’s guide to the Redpill Right: “The gnostic paradox of young, tech-savvy traditionalists, who see through everything except their own conspiracy theories.”
- Neo-Femme Artists: “Femme artists on femme solidarity and perfromance.”
- Love Bullet – Yuri Kuma Arashi: Lesbian bears that turn into ladies. By the guy who did Sailor Moon. It’s amazing.
- Lumbersexuals and White Heteromasculine Pageantry: Hybrid configurations of masculinity enable young, straight, white men to distance themselves from what they might perceive as something akin to the stigma of privilege.
- 20 most anticipated comics and graphic novels for 2015.
- Gradient Lair: The problem with Steve Harvey.
- Gradient Lair: Mysogynoir, anti-Black misogyny.
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